(X, entities_for_corruption, corrupt_side='s, o')¶ Generate corruptions for evaluation.
Create corruptions (subject and object) for a given triple x, in compliance with the local closed world assumption (LCWA), as described in [NMTG16].Parameters: - X (Tensor, shape [1, 3]) – Currently, a single positive triples that will be used to create corruptions.
- entities_for_corruption (Tensor) – All the entity IDs which are to be used for generation of corruptions.
- corrupt_side (string) –
Specifies which side of the triple to corrupt:
- ’s’: corrupt only subject.
- ’o’: corrupt only object
- ’s+o’: corrupt both subject and object
- ’s,o’: corrupt both subject and object but ranks are computed separately.
Returns: out – An array of corruptions for the triples for x.
Return type: Tensor, shape [n, 3]