
ampligraph.evaluation.evaluate_performance(X, model, filter_triples=None, verbose=False, filter_unseen=True, entities_subset=None, corrupt_side='s, o', ranking_strategy='worst', use_default_protocol=False)

Evaluate the performance of an embedding model.

The evaluation protocol follows the procedure defined in [BUGD+13] and can be summarised as:

  1. Artificially generate negative triples by corrupting first the subject and then the object.
  2. Remove the positive triples from the set returned by (1) – positive triples are usually the concatenation of training, validation and test sets.
  3. Rank each test triple against all remaining triples returned by (2).

With the ranks of both object and subject corruptions, one may compute metrics such as the MRR by calculating them separately and then averaging them out. Note that the metrics implemented in AmpliGraph’s evaluate.metrics module will already work that way when provided with the input returned by evaluate_performance.

The artificially generated negatives are compliant with the local closed world assumption (LCWA), as described in [NMTG16]. In practice, that means only one side of the triple is corrupted at a time (i.e. either the subject or the object).


The evaluation protocol assigns the worst rank to a positive test triple in case of a tie with negatives. This is the agreed upon behaviour in literature.


When entities_subset=None, the method will use all distinct entities in the knowledge graph X to generate negatives to rank against. This might slow down the eval. Some of the corruptions may not even make sense for the task that one may be interested in.

For eg, consider the case <Actor, acted_in, ?>, where we are mainly interested in such movies that an actor has acted in. A sensible way to evaluate this would be to rank against all the movie entities and compute the desired metrics. In such cases, where focus us on particular task, it is recommended to pass the desired entities to use to generate corruptions to entities_subset. Besides, trying to rank a positive against an extremely large number of negatives may be overkilling.

As a reference, the popular FB15k-237 dataset has ~15k distinct entities. The evaluation protocol ranks each positives against 15k corruptions per side.

  • X (ndarray, shape [n, 3]) – An array of test triples.
  • model (EmbeddingModel) – A knowledge graph embedding model
  • filter_triples (ndarray of shape [n, 3] or None) –

    The triples used to filter negatives.


    When filtered mode is enabled (i.e. filtered_triples is not None), to speed up the procedure, we use a database based filtering. This strategy is as described below:

    • Store the filter_triples in the DB
    • For each test triple, we generate corruptions for evaluation and score them.
    • The corruptions may contain some False Negatives. We find such statements by quering the database.
    • From the computed scores we retrieve the scores of the False Negatives.
    • We compute the rank of the test triple by comparing against ALL the corruptions.
    • We then compute the number of False negatives that are ranked higher than the test triple; and then subtract this value from the above computed rank to yield the final filtered rank.

    Execution Time: This method takes ~4 minutes on FB15K using ComplEx (Intel Xeon Gold 6142, 64 GB Ubuntu 16.04 box, Tesla V100 16GB)

  • verbose (bool) – Verbose mode
  • filter_unseen (bool) – This can be set to False to skip filtering of unseen entities if train_test_split_unseen() was used to split the original dataset.
  • entities_subset (array-like) – List of entities to use for corruptions. If None, will generate corruptions using all distinct entities. Default is None.
  • corrupt_side (string) –

    Specifies which side of the triple to corrupt:

    • ’s’: corrupt only subject.
    • ’o’: corrupt only object.
    • ’s+o’: corrupt both subject and object.
    • ’s,o’: corrupt subject and object sides independently and return 2 ranks. This corresponds to the evaluation protocol used in literature, where head and tail corruptions are evaluated separately.


    When corrupt_side='s,o' the function will return 2*n ranks as a [n, 2] array. The first column of the array represents the subject corruptions. The second column of the array represents the object corruptions. Otherwise, the function returns n ranks as [n] array.

  • ranking_strategy (string) –

    Specifies the type of score comparison strategy to use while ranking:

    • ’worst’: assigns the worst rank when scores are equal
    • ’best’: assigns the best rank when scores are equal
    • ’middle’: assigns the middle rank when scores are equal

    Our recommendation is to use worst. Think of a model which assigns constant score to any triples. If you use the best strategy then the ranks will always be 1 (which is incorrect because the model has not learnt anything). If you choose this model and try to do knowledge discovery, you will not be able to deduce anything as all triples will get the same scores. So to be on safer side while choosing the model, we would recommend either worst or middle strategy.

  • use_default_protocol (bool) – Flag to indicate whether to use the standard protocol used in literature defined in [BUGD+13] (default: False). If set to True, corrupt_side will be set to ‘s,o’. This corresponds to the evaluation protocol used in literature, where head and tail corruptions are evaluated separately, i.e. in corrupt_side=’s,o’ mode

ranks – An array of ranks of test triples. When corrupt_side='s,o' the function returns [n,2]. The first column represents the rank against subject corruptions and the second column represents the rank against object corruptions. In other cases, it returns [n] i.e. rank against the specified corruptions.

Return type:

ndarray, shape [n] or [n,2] depending on the value of corrupt_side.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from ampligraph.datasets import load_wn18
>>> from ampligraph.latent_features import ComplEx
>>> from ampligraph.evaluation import evaluate_performance, mrr_score, hits_at_n_score
>>> X = load_wn18()
>>> model = ComplEx(batches_count=10, seed=0, epochs=10, k=150, eta=1,
>>>                 loss='nll', optimizer='adam')
>>> model.fit(np.concatenate((X['train'], X['valid'])))
>>> filter_triples = np.concatenate((X['train'], X['valid'], X['test']))
>>> ranks = evaluate_performance(X['test'][:5], model=model,
>>>                              filter_triples=filter_triples,
>>>                              corrupt_side='s+o',
>>>                              use_default_protocol=False)
>>> ranks
array([  1, 582, 543,   6,  31])
>>> mrr_score(ranks)
>>> hits_at_n_score(ranks, n=10)