
class ampligraph.latent_features.RandomBaseline(seed=0, verbose=False)

Random baseline

A dummy model that assigns a pseudo-random score included between 0 and 1, drawn from a uniform distribution.

The model is useful whenever you need to compare the performance of another model on a custom knowledge graph, and no other baseline is available.


Although the model still requires invoking the fit() method, no actual training will be carried out.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from ampligraph.latent_features import RandomBaseline
>>> model = RandomBaseline()
>>> X = np.array([['a', 'y', 'b'],
>>>               ['b', 'y', 'a'],
>>>               ['a', 'y', 'c'],
>>>               ['c', 'y', 'a'],
>>>               ['a', 'y', 'd'],
>>>               ['c', 'y', 'd'],
>>>               ['b', 'y', 'c'],
>>>               ['f', 'y', 'e']])
>>> model.fit(X)
>>> model.predict(np.array([['f', 'y', 'e'], ['b', 'y', 'd']]))
[0.5488135039273248, 0.7151893663724195]


__init__([seed, verbose]) Initialize the model
fit(X[, early_stopping, …]) Train the random model.
predict(X[, from_idx]) Predict the scores of triples using a trained embedding model.
get_hyperparameter_dict() Returns hyperparameters of the model.
__init__(seed=0, verbose=False)

Initialize the model

  • seed (int) – The seed used by the internal random numbers generator.
  • verbose (bool) – Verbose mode.
fit(X, early_stopping=False, early_stopping_params={}, focusE_numeric_edge_values=None, tensorboard_logs_path=None)

Train the random model.

There is no actual training involved in practice and the early stopping parameters won’t have any effect.

  • X (ndarray, shape [n, 3]) – The training triples
  • early_stopping (bool) –

    Flag to enable early stopping (default:False).

    If set to True, the training loop adopts the following early stopping heuristic:

    • The model will be trained regardless of early stopping for burn_in epochs.
    • Every check_interval epochs the method will compute the metric specified in criteria.

    If such metric decreases for stop_interval checks, we stop training early.

    Note the metric is computed on x_valid. This is usually a validation set that you held out.

    Also, because criteria is a ranking metric, it requires generating negatives. Entities used to generate corruptions can be specified, as long as the side(s) of a triple to corrupt. The method supports filtered metrics, by passing an array of positives to x_filter. This will be used to filter the negatives generated on the fly (i.e. the corruptions).


    Keep in mind the early stopping criteria may introduce a certain overhead (caused by the metric computation). The goal is to strike a good trade-off between such overhead and saving training epochs.

    A common approach is to use MRR unfiltered:

    early_stopping_params={x_valid=X['valid'], 'criteria': 'mrr'}

    Note the size of validation set also contributes to such overhead. In most cases a smaller validation set would be enough.

  • early_stopping_params (dictionary) –

    Dictionary of hyperparameters for the early stopping heuristics.

    The following string keys are supported:

    • ’x_valid’: ndarray, shape [n, 3] : Validation set to be used for early stopping.
    • ’criteria’: string : criteria for early stopping ‘hits10’, ‘hits3’, ‘hits1’ or ‘mrr’(default).
    • ’x_filter’: ndarray, shape [n, 3] : Positive triples to use as filter if a ‘filtered’ early stopping criteria is desired (i.e. filtered-MRR if ‘criteria’:’mrr’). Note this will affect training time (no filter by default).
    • ’burn_in’: int : Number of epochs to pass before kicking in early stopping (default: 100).
    • check_interval’: int : Early stopping interval after burn-in (default:10).
    • ’stop_interval’: int : Stop if criteria is performing worse over n consecutive checks (default: 3)
    • ’corruption_entities’: List of entities to be used for corruptions. If ‘all’, it uses all entities (default: ‘all’)
    • ’corrupt_side’: Specifies which side to corrupt. ‘s’, ‘o’, ‘s+o’ (default)

    Example: early_stopping_params={x_valid=X['valid'], 'criteria': 'mrr'}

  • focusE_numeric_edge_values (nd array (n, 1)) – Numeric values associated with links. Semantically, the numeric value can signify importance, uncertainity, significance, confidence, etc. If the numeric value is unknown pass a NaN weight. The model will uniformly randomly assign a numeric value. One can also think about assigning numeric values by looking at the distribution of it per predicate.
  • tensorboard_logs_path (str or None) – Path to store tensorboard logs, e.g. average training loss tracking per epoch (default: None indicating no logs will be collected). When provided it will create a folder under provided path and save tensorboard files there. To then view the loss in the terminal run: tensorboard --logdir <tensorboard_logs_path>.
predict(X, from_idx=False)

Predict the scores of triples using a trained embedding model. The function returns raw scores generated by the model.


To obtain probability estimates, calibrate the model with calibrate(), then call predict_proba().

  • X (ndarray, shape [n, 3]) – The triples to score.
  • from_idx (bool) – If True, will skip conversion to internal IDs. (default: False).

scores_predict – The predicted scores for input triples X.

Return type:

ndarray, shape [n]


Returns hyperparameters of the model.

Returns:hyperparam_dict – Dictionary of hyperparameters that were used for training.
Return type:dict