
The module includes performance metrics for neural graph embeddings models, along with model selection routines, negatives generation, and an implementation of the learning-to-rank-based evaluation protocol used in literature.


Learning-to-rank metrics to evaluate the performance of neural graph embedding models.

rank_score(y_true, y_pred[, pos_lab]) Rank of a triple
mrr_score(ranks) Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR)
mr_score(ranks) Mean Rank (MR)
hits_at_n_score(ranks, n) Hits@N

Negatives Generation

Negatives generation routines. These are corruption strategies based on the Local Closed-World Assumption (LCWA).

generate_corruptions_for_eval(X, …[, …]) Generate corruptions for evaluation.
generate_corruptions_for_fit(X[, …]) Generate corruptions for training.

Evaluation & Model Selection

Functions to evaluate the predictive power of knowledge graph embedding models, and routines for model selection.

evaluate_performance(X, model[, …]) Evaluate the performance of an embedding model.
select_best_model_ranking(model_class, X, …) Model selection routine for embedding models.

Helper Functions

Utilities and support functions for evaluation procedures.

train_test_split_no_unseen(X[, test_size, seed]) Split into train and test sets.
create_mappings(X) Create string-IDs mappings for entities and relations.
to_idx(X, ent_to_idx, rel_to_idx) Convert statements (triples) into integer IDs.